Leg Up For Talent - New Year's Resolutions

It will be no surprise to the millions of people who have just started their January diet plan that the most popular new year's resolution for Britons is to lose weight. The majority of NY resolutions made, involve making 2016 a healthier year. After losing weight, getting fit and eating more healthily feature pretty high on the resolutions list.

But it is important to remember that getting fit and healthy is something that isn’t just important for January and that a realistic change for your health is a resolution that you can sustain for longer that the 1st few weeks or months of the year.

We would all like a quick fix solution and would love to see those extra Christmas pounds gone quickly, but quick weight loss is not usually permanent weight loss and diets that have strict rules, eliminate certain foods or severely restrict calories have been shown to be unsustainable options. Almost anyone can lose weight by only eating cabbage soup or diet shakes, but how long can they keep it up? Very low calorie diets also lower metabolism so when a person goes back to eating normally, their slower metabolism will ultimately mean that they gain all their weight back and usually a bit more on top.

Many of us very often follow a pattern of eating unhealthily, gaining weight and then going on a diet. We lose the weight but then go back to eating the same old things....and so the yoyo weight effect continues. As Einstein said “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.... so perhaps it’s time for a new approach. Forget the diet and concentrate on making small, sustainable changes to what you eat that will change your metabolism for the better. As a result many people find that energy improves, digestive symptoms resolve, their skin feels clearer, their eyes brighter and very importantly for many, those annoying extra pounds drop off at a sensible rate which means that they stay off.

Aim for as ‘clean’ and unprocessed a diet as you can possibly achieve and make sure it is packed full of nutrients. An eating plan which avoids sugar and refined carbohydrates and processed food and contains whole grains, healthy fats and oils, lean meat and fish, vegetables and fruit, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils and plenty of water gives our bodies the nutrients that we need to function properly. Delicious food is so important. Who wants to eat unsustainable tasteless soup or processed ‘shakes’? That’s just not appealing!

For more information or to book a consultation or personalised nutrition plan, contact Jacqui through nutrition@jacquimayes.co.uk or www.jacquimayes.co.uk

Blog written for Leg Up For Talent. www.legupfortalent.com
